Planning ahead for the new year.

It’s good practice to start each year ensuring that you have the proper health insurance or Medicare ID cards. You can verify this by contacting your insurance company or registering for your online member portal.

When you register online through the member portal, you’ll now have all your health plan information at your fingertips. Your member portal provides many resources and benefits:

Online Benefit Administration

  • Make address and coordination of benefits updates.
  • Access benefit details and plan documents.
  • Review Explanation of Benefits for a Claim.
  • Check current claims summary reports, out-of-pocket, and deductible balances.
  • View, print, and request your ID card.

Health & Wellness programs and discounts

  • Complete your online Health Assessment.
  • Explore discounts for healthy eating, weight management, athletic equipment, fitness centers, and medical services such as Lasik and hearing aids.

Find Care

  • Search for in-network doctors, clinics, and hospitals based on industry-accepted quality and performance measures.
  • Compare costs for doctors, common treatments, and procedures.
  • Receive low cost online care.
  • Don’t forget to schedule your physical for 2020!

Visit your insurance carrier’s website to sign up for your account today!

Healthcare Awareness Month:

January is national blood donor month. If you are interested in donating contact your employer to see if there is a company blood drive scheduled. You can also visit American Red Cross or Memorial Blood Centers online to find a blood drive near you!

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